Mission Statement
The Florida Hearing Society is organized to promote uniform good will and education among all hearing aid dispensers in the State of Florida, thereby bringing the state of the art to its highest possible level. The FHS endorses Florida Statute No. 484 Part II as it is now written and will uphold the Code of Ethics of the International Hearing Aid Society.
The purposes for which this Society is organized are:
To promote good will and cooperation among hearing instrument professionals and others in the State of Florida engaged in the general field of hearing healthcare services.
To promote the welfare, insofar as hearing is concerned, of the hearing impaired and to protect the consumers of hearing services.
To improve the professional standards of the hearing instrument specialists of the State of Florida by means of an educational program among its members and to inculcate among the members ethical principles that will lend dignity to the profession and insure continued public confidence in the profession.
To promulgate among the general public knowledge and understanding of the use and value of instruments which aid hearing.
To continually improve methods of hearing evaluation, dispensing, fitting, and to encourage the use of hearing instruments.
To foster and encourage the development of a closer relationship between the members of the Society and the general public, hearing instrument specialists, the medical profession, and others working in and allied to the field of audiology; and especially by the coordination of professional and lay efforts, services and assistance.
To collect and share valuable information to members, to the general public, and to the medical profession.
To conduct these activities and achieve these objectives without financial gain.
To do everything and anything which properly may be done by a corporation organized for the above purposes under the laws of the State of Florida and to possess all proper powers, rights, and privileges permitted such a corporation not-for-profit by such laws, and to do everything reasonably necessary, suitable, proper, convenient, or incidental to the aforesaid purposes.
To maintain a reference file on all members and persons directly employed by FHS and to continually monitor the practices and ethics of same.